3D printing is being used for many applications such as prototyping, reverse engineering, object replication through 3D Scanning, and even in some cases production. It is a process that creates a physical object from a digital file. 3D printing works by layering materials on top of each other, to build a complete object. Producing prototypes or parts through 3D printing is often fast and in some cases can even be cost-effective. The total cost of 3D printing is determined by a few variables, such as the amount of material used, the print time, the file prep time, and any post cleanup necessary.

What can be Printed?

3D printing is a type of technology that can enhance many parts of our lives. Engineers, educators, manufacturers, and hobbyists often use 3D printing for a range of applications.

  • 3D printings roots are deeply ingrained in rapid prototyping. With 3D printing, engineers and designers can print their digital models and review them as quickly as a few hours later. There are many different types of rapid prototyping and which one is used depends on the design requirements for the part being printed. Designers are able to create various early stage concepts in order to determine the viability and direction of their designs. Engineers can then use different materials in order to test their prototypes. Impact resistance, strength, durability, flexibility, and heat resistance are amongst some of the factors to look out for in available materials.
  • Injection molding is a process where melted plastic is injected into a metal mold, this method is how most modern day plastic parts are created. This process generally takes a few seconds to a few minutes depending on the complexity of the part, and is easy to repeat, however creating the initial mold takes much longer and generally costs a significant amount of money.  As 3D printing has become more prevalent and easily accessible , manufacturing certain types of parts in small to medium sized quantities has become a lot more viable. This flexibility allows designers to work in more controlled timetables and address any issues that may arise during the production process.  If part of an object is frequently failing or can no longer be sourced, 3D printing a replacement part is becomes a potential solution to an immediate problem.

The Different Prices in 3D Printing

One of the main reasons why 3D printing can be so economical right now is that the setup costs are generally much lower than traditional high volume processes. This makes printing lower quantities a lot more agile , when compared to methods like CNC machining or even injection molding.

  • The cost of 3D printing materials varies greatly by the process. However, the overall material costs are reduced as in many cases the amount of waste material is negligible. In fact almost all of the major processes such as SLA, SLS, FDM, allow the operator to determine the orientation and settings of the print. By doing so there are many instances where the need for support material is eliminated, thus removing any waste material from the equation.
  • Larger parts increase the cost because they need more material and take a longer time to print. The potential for something to go wrong or fail is also increased due to the time required for these parts.
  • Additional work such as powder removal, removing supports, cleaning, and sanding may be required to finish the part, adding to the overall time and cost.

Saving the Cost of 3D Printing

Some instances allow you to scale down your model to decrease the overall cost of 3D printing. A small size reduction of your model can hugely reduce the price of your print to a fraction of the original cost. Hollowing your model  is another great way to reduce the cost of 3D printing. When hollowing it’s still important to understand the geometry of your part so that areas with large overhangs don’t cave in on the model during printing, requiring you to start over. There are many design strategies that a designer can utilize in order to keep the cost of their designs to a minimum. Everything from avoiding large amounts of support material to reducing the overall material used as well as understanding your design and its requirements will go a long way in helping you manage the cost of your design.

Why Choose Kemperle Industries?

If you are looking for high-resolution 3D scanning solutions, Kemperle Industries provides suitable solutions for you. We have the best 3D scanning technologies and the latest technology available at our disposal. Rest assured that we will meet your needs.