Rapid prototyping comprises a series of techniques used to create to-scale 3D models of mechanical components via software. Developing and building assembly parts are subsequently completed using additive layer manufacturing or 3D printing. Rapid prototyping was not a mainstream method for manufacturing until recently. While it was invented in the 1980s by Hideo Kodama and Charles Hull, 3D printing was only used by big manufacturing companies. 

3D printing has evolved to become a system that many designers rely on to design assembly pipelines and prototypes in recent years. Today, the definition has expanded to incorporate other manufacturing methods such as reaction injection molding, rapid cnc, and quick casting techniques in some companies and continues to empower product innovation and design. What does the future hold for this rapidly developing technology?

Wider Applicability to Diverse Industries

Rapid prototyping is big business. This technology has become increasingly incorporated in many industries such as automotive, education, and healthcare. The versatility of this method allows the manufacturing company to produce specialized and specific products that are unique to each industry. This additive layer technology also allows individuals to design to-scale iterations of prototypes before finalization. 

3D printing excels in its applicability to a diverse range of industries. It can be easily integrated into any NPI (New Product Introduction) process and carries many opportunities that must be fully tapped into. 

This technology can significantly reduce the time of the lapse between each iteration during the concept sketching phase. Designers have more time to develop solutions to overcome engineering constraints saving valuable development time. It also allows more customizability during the prototyping process, providing manufacturing companies with a competitive edge. 

More Decentralization of 3D Printing 

3D printing is becoming increasingly democratized and accessible to manufacturing companies. Today, we observe a significant number of companies owning 3D printers in their workspace. Fewer individuals rely on a single rapid prototyping shop where designers will have to go through a bureaucratic process of sending the files and waiting. Designers efficiently create their prototypes, shortening the prototype-to-final product period. 

The traction of 3D printing is not slowing down anytime soon because it can be seamlessly incorporated into any pre-existing NPI processes. In addition, its reliability in producing easy-to-use and high-quality prints

Increased Scalability of Rapid Prototyping

The scalability of rapid prototyping is expected to increase with 3D printing’s growing traction. The printing technology can support all aspects of the company’s NPI processes. Additive layer technology is a form of life-cycle management, helping to bridge the period between the prototype and final product while decreasing the turnaround time needed to go into full-scale production.

Why Choose Kemperle Industries?

Our company strives to provide our customers with the best specialized engineering and designing services possible. We have an experienced team of professionals who are knowledgeable and can help you conceptualize and actualize your creations. 

For more information on our 3D printing services, do not hesitate to contact us or call us at 718-557-9578.