Also known as a type of additive layer technology, rapid prototyping is a series of techniques used to create a to-scale model of any mechanical component using  a combination of software and machinery. This method effectively develops and constructs prototypes efficiently and has been integrated into many different industries due to its applicability and scalability. It can also identify and rectify parametric and design constraints in early design phases. Individuals save on long-term costs and reduce the adverse impact on the assembly pipeline. That’s where the build, test, and iterate model comes to the table. 

Build, Test, and Iterate

The ‘build, test, iterate’ model is a methodology that has been utilized in many industries and disciplines, from UX (user experience) designs to digital product development. These steps can be easily applied in rapid prototyping, where they are repeated numerous times in a feedback loop to help you recognize the constraints of the product design. This can be greatly beneficial to product developers as it enables them to make gradual, incremental changes based on quantifiable and measurable evidence. 

Keeping the Solutions Simple

When building and developing your product, the solution it offers must be simple. This would affect the complexity of the prototype and the success of the final product. Your prototype should ideally match the extent of questions and issues you are trying to answer. Therefore, establish the purpose of your product and understand the target audience. These factors would intrinsically influence the overall design of the final product. 

This ‘building’ step occurs throughout all stages of rapid prototyping, from the ideation to the prototyping to the concept sketching and CAD design. Keeping your solutions simple will ensure more consistency and reduce unprecedented design constraints along the way. Most importantly, you should always consider the functionality, usability, performance, and design features throughout all stages of the product development.

Testing the Product 

The user testing stage is the most crucial part of the development process. It provides quantifiable evidence on the effectiveness and proficiency of your product in addressing the issues it is meant to provide the solutions for. Rapid prototyping can instantly incorporate this knowledge and feedback into the design to develop a higher quality product. 

A key in testing your prototype is to create specific scenarios that your final products would be subject to. This can be done in multiple ways, from online testing by sending your prototype to specific individuals (from the same demographic) to in-person testing. You present your product to your customers and observe and gather data from their experience. Your test participants should be objective, unbiased, and provide honest feedback. 

Incorporating the Knowledge

Once the data has been collected from the user testing, it is time to put this knowledge into practice. This stage is where you iterate, rectify any problematic issues in the design, and create new prototypes based on your collected information. Finally, repeat the process until you have satisfactorily addressed all the flaws and problems as much as possible before reaching the final product to be released into the market. 

Your One-Stop-Destination for Engineering & Design Services

From the ideation to the concept sketching and 3D CAD to manufacturing, Kemperle Industries takes pride in being there for you at every stage of your product development journey. We strive to provide you with best-in-class and high-quality engineering and design services to make the products of your dreams come through. 

If you wish to know more about the rapid prototyping services we offer, feel free to contact us or call us at 718-557-9578.