Where exactly does one start when trying to introduce the next product that will take the world by storm? With the ever-shifting needs of today’s consumers, product designers have to move quickly to best capture what society needs in a product. Following the global health crisis in 2020, there has been substantial changes in the way people live and behave, as well as their value systems. It is important to cater to these when designing a product in order to best meet the demands of your customers. Read on to find out more!

Health Monitoring Devices

The presence of a global pandemic has brought the issue of personal health into the forefront of societal concerns. Many people have gained pounds during the lockdown whereas others have taken the opportunity to start jogging, hiking, or doing home exercises to escape the mundanity of staying home. At the core of all this, there is a greater demand for smart health devices to track activity and other forms of body metrics to maintain a peace of mind during the health crisis. This means that smart watches, oximeters, smart scales and gym tech are in greater demand.

Smart Home Devices

With companies growing to recognize the benefits of working from home, home offices might become the new norm in coming years. The smart home automation market was valued around four billion dollars in 2013 and has risen to close to 21 billion in 2020. As more people are expected to stay at home long term, there is a demand for smarter and more convenient home devices to make home living easier and more accessible. This means an increase in smart voice assistants, wireless charging stations, smart thermostats and much more.

This also touches on the increasing demand for products that are connected to the Internet of Things. (IoT) Simply put, this refers to smart devices that are able to utilize the internet to communicate with each other. For example, using your phone to adjust the thermostat as you are reaching home or having your voice assistant instruct your coffee machine to prepare your morning brew. Integrating such technology will not only help you meet customers’ needs but also shape your products to remain relevant as technology rapidly advances.

Sustainability and Environmentally Conscious Designs

This is one of the greatest industrial trends of 2020 and we do not foresee it going away. Climate change is here, and it is here to stay. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental footprint of their products and choosing options that are sustainable or recyclable.

Even then, if your consumer base is not the most concerned with going green, making the choice as a company to incorporate green designs and minimize your carbon footprint will improve the overall image of the launch and company ethos.


Minimalism is and will continue to stay relevant in terms of aesthetics, functionality, and purpose. With the overwhelming number of choices on the market today, users are looking for ways to cut down on the clutter – choosing products that are simple, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing that can do more with less. If one item can take the place of multiple others, as long as performance expectations are met, it seems logical that someone would prefer buying one sleek option than bulking up with several.

Bring your Ideas to Life with Kemperle Industries

There are so many things to consider when launching a new product. Our professionals are trained and ready to help you tackle any product design obstacle and expedite the manufacturing process. Not only do we offer product design and engineering, but we are also able to assist with reverse engineering, specialized manufacturing, and molding. Contact us today for more information about our services and how we can help you.