Today, businesses are increasingly choosing low-volume specialized manufacturing because it enables them to produce parts, allocate resources to other key areas, and grow their production pipeline. Small volume specialized manufacturing is an excellent option for companies that need to manufacture prototypes with shorter service lifespans while reducing waste and expenses.

Specialized Manufacturing Involves Comprehensive Product Evaluation

Because no two projects are identical, all parts must be thoroughly evaluated before commencing actual manufacturing procedures. Below is a non-exhaustive list of product evaluation steps:

  • Starting Evaluation Procedure

In addition to resource and task allocation, the best approach is determined to complete the project successfully.

  • Data Collection

Evaluation questions raised during data collection phase provide insights into potential problems. This allows technicians to facilitate a smooth specialized manufacturing process.

  • Data Processing and Results Analysis

When the data is collected and analyzed, a draft explaining the specialized manufacturing procedure is distributed to everyone involved in the project.

  • Result Interpretation

Analyze test results and implement precautions before executing the manufacturing process.

  • Evaluation Findings

Alterations are typically made after executing the evaluation findings. This step guarantees the Design for Manufacturing (DFM) matches the customer’s objectives. 

The Actual Specialized Manufacturing Process

While specialized manufacturing is faster than most high-volume manufacturing techniques, both form and function must be evaluated while ensuring the design methodology is properly applied to ensure the project’s success. Businesses can test prototypes via low-volume manufacturing. Some of the key updates you’ll receive for specialized manufacturing include:

  • Materials and procedures for different parts
  • Product design analysis and duration
  • Design modifications for parts and sub-assemblies
  • Verification and inspection of parts and sub-assemblies
  • Detailed evaluation of packaging design and requirements
  • Live testing of sub-assemblies and parts

Advantages Of Specialized Manufacturing

  • Improved Quality

Specialized manufacturing uses advanced equipment to manufacture durable prototypes and products.

  • Economical

While slightly pricier per item than high volume manufacturing, the overall cost of specialized solutions is lower.

  • Scalable

Specialized manufacturing allows firms to scale their product to any quantity. They can meet their customers’ changing demands with exceptional ease.

Disadvantages Of Specialized Manufacturing

Nothing is perfect and specialized manufacturing is no exception. Here are some of its disadvantages:

  • Difficult to predict sales trends
  • Supply chain may be disrupted by third party business partners
  • Difficult to accumulate stock in advance
  • Longer wait time from order placement to shipment

Current Trends of Specialized Manufacturing

Specialized manufacturing technologies have significantly improved as single function machines are taking over “all-in-one” machines used in product development procedures. Smarter and more agile machines allow businesses to meet the market’s ever-changing needs and customer demands and stay competitive. 

Looking for a specialized manufacturing team? Contact Kemperle Industries today!