You are bound to be confronted by a plethora of design possibilities as you embark on a new digital project. Finding a digital design agency that best suits your requirements is the first step to success. Go for an agency that can come up with a defined process at the beginning of your project. Here are some tips and questions to take note of while making your selection.  


Take time to identify existing strengths and weaknesses in your project. What gaps will the team be required to fill? What stage is the project in? For instance, a business professional with a monetization plan may require an agency that can deal with product design and engineering

The agency you choose should have experience in specific aspects of the project you need help with. Most importantly, the agency should have worked on a similar project. This way, your project will not be a learning experience for them, making the process less risky. As with any endeavor, faith and belief in the project’s potential to be successful are critical to achieving that success. Does the agency have faith and enthusiasm for your project, or are they approaching it more like a methodical task to get over and done with?

Non-Profit Organizations

Unlike organizations with profit-driven models, non-profits have certain needs to fulfill.  The agencies you take into consideration should be aware of how non-profits function, potential operational issues, and government or foundational support in this space. The agency should also take time to understand your revenue model and be open to feedback from stakeholders., Because non-profits focus on a specific issue that draws the audience, the agency should have experience in narrative-driven design projects that can tell a story and attract potential donors.

Hospitality Projects

When it comes to the digital assets of restaurants, hotels, or  other hospitality projects, agencies should be aware of their functional needs and know how to seamlessly integrate them into the project. The hospitality industry is fraught with e-commerce challenges that vary from project to project. 

For example, you may require the agency to provide IT consulting for a business with outdated ticketing models or a mostly elderly clientele. Will the agency be able to tackle specific concerns and address the pros and cons? Last but not least, this industry is fast-paced and constantly changing . Will the agency be open to adapting its designs on a long-term basis? 

Finding the Right Digital Design Agency: Getting Started

With an exceptional portfolio, Kemperle Industries specializes in a variety of design practices utilizing advanced applications. We strive to break boundaries through our work and can be counted on to bring your projects to life, no matter how complex or challenging.

If you’re looking to embark on a digital design project, feel free to contact us or call us at 718-557-9578.