To begin with, what exactly is mechanical engineering and how is it different from other types of engineering? Well, it is the branch that involves the maintenance, operation, production, and design of machinery. To achieve this, mechanical engineers combine mathematical principles with engineering physics and material science in order to analyze mechanical systems. This is one of the oldest branches of engineering and overlaps with other sectors such as aerospace, electrical and industrial engineering.

The Origins of Mechanical Engineering

The simplest machines that we take for granted are feats of mechanical engineering. For example, the six classical simple machines – wheel and axle, pulley, inclined planes, screws, wedges, and the lever are all feats of mechanical engineering. Although they seem straightforward now, these remain fundamental to much of the machinery and mechanisms that we use in our everyday life now.

The event that shapes what we know, and the general perception of mechanical engineering is the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century. With the advent of power-driven machines and the increasing need for manufacturing to meet a fast-growing society, mechanical engineering has evolved to include more advanced systems and the components within them.

This has grown into what we know today with technologies such as 3D Printing, 3D Scanning,and Injection Molding joining the industry

What does a modern Mechanical Engineer do?

As machinery and automation of production developed, it created the need for mechanical engineers to specialize and focus on specific mechanical systems. This is why there are many subdisciplines of mechanical engineering today, finding applications in areas such as nanotechnology, structural analysis and even ergonomics. Two of the main applications for mechanical engineering are in the development of machinery and production of power. This refers to the creation of machines, and tools required to operate these machines as well as the individual components required for them to run smoothly. Production of power refers to the need for alternative power sources to minimize human physical labor such as the use of turbines, nuclear and green energy.

To keep up with these demands, modern mechanical engineers also have to use various tools to aid them in explaining and developing new manufacturing techniques. For example, new product designs in mechanical engineering commonly utilize software such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), 3D printing and finite element analysis (FEA) in order to secure the most predictability and functionality in their products. In today’s world mechanical engineers are essential in the process of innovative product design!

Bring your ideas to life with Kemperle Industries

One thing that is for sure when you think about mechanical engineering is that the person you work with must have extensive knowledge of mechanical science to be able to design a functional and efficient system for you. Here are Kemperle Industries, we specialize in mechanical engineering, reverse engineering, molding, and manufacturing. Not only will we be able to help you with figuring out the best solution for your production needs, but also a wide array of other services required to manifest your vision. Contact us today to start your project with us!