In today’s industrialized manufacturing processes, 3D printing technology is becoming increasingly integrated into the ecosystem. Given how fast the industry evolves, the key trends driving its future can be challenging to keep up with. Here are some insights about the future applications of 3Dd printing in manufacturing and product design.

3D Printing Will Become Mainstream

Additive manufacturing is becoming mainstream. 3D printing is no longer regarded as a mere prototyping solution. Instead, companies are finding methods to incorporate it into their production, with applications spanning from end-use components to tooling. Companies across different industries, from automotive to consumer goods, are becoming increasingly aware of the manufacturing benefits offered by 3D printing. According to the 2019 Sculpteo’s State of 3D Printing report, 3D printing is being actively employed for production by 51% of surveyed companies. This means that 3D printing will be on par with other production methods, and may even replace traditional manufacturing processes

3D Printing Will Have Smart Technologies

3D printers will be integrated with smart technology such as sensors and machine learning. When combined with 3D printing, these technologies will greatly improve process repeatability. In addition, manufacturers can lowering the risk of build failures. 

Expansion of 3D Printing Service Bureau Market 

Service bureaus are an important part of the additive manufacturing industry as they contribute to the technology’s progress. Looking ahead, the service bureau segment is expected to continue growing. This growth will be mostly driven by increased specialization in certain 3D printing industries (e.g. medical) or technologies (e.g. metal AM), and create opportunities for expansion within other industries. Online 3D printing platforms operating a Manufacturing-As-A-Service (MaaS) business model may fill a lucrative gap in the market via quicker turnarounds and agile processes.

Dominance in The Dental Industry

3D printing already has a significant impact on the dental industry, i.e., the production of surgical guides, crowns, and the bulk of dental aligner molds. However, the technology has the potential to become a market leader in this field. According to a SmarTech Analysis report, 3D printer sales in the dental industry will exceed machining hardware sales by 2025., In addition, the technology will become the leading production method for dental restorations and equipment globally by 2027. 

This is driven by the insurgence of resin-based 3D printing technologies like DLP, SLA, and material jetting. Resin-based 3D printers can rapidly create custom dental devices with fine feature detail and exceptional surface quality. These capabilities will further benefit the dental industry by allowing dentists to carry out their practice in less time and at a lower cost.

3D Printing Specialists at Your Disposal

In the 40 years that Kemperle Industries has been operating, the multi-faceted aspects of technology in our daily lives have always been at the heart of what we do and believe in. We utilize advanced, cutting-edge technology to push boundaries and take design, engineering, and manufacturing to greater heights.

If you’re looking to embark on a 3D printing project, feel free to contact us or call us at 718-557-9578.